Varicose veins on the legs: treatment with drugs and folk remedies at home

Varicose veins are one of the most common pathologies of the human vascular system.

The most favorite place for varicose veins is the lower limbs. Many modern methods of treatment are aimed at combating varicose veins. Frequent medical clinics offer various injection, laser and surgical procedures.

Provoking factors for the development of varicose veins

Despite the fact that the predisposition to varicose veins is genetic (if both parents in the family suffer from this disease, the probability of its occurrence in descendants reaches 90%), the disease develops under the influence of external factors that increase pressure inside the vein. Among them:

  1. Excess weight - a violation of lipid metabolism provokes a number of vascular diseases, including varicose veins.
  2. Static loads - work sitting or standing. But walking, on the contrary, starts the "muscle pump", which stimulates the outflow of blood through the veins.
  3. Shoes with high heels - restricts the work of the calf muscle, therefore, reduces the activity of the muscle pump.
  4. Chronic constipation - increase intra-abdominal pressure, and hence the pressure in the veins of the lower extremities.
  5. Pregnancy and childbirth - all vital systems of the female body, including the cardiovascular system, work with increased stress during pregnancy and childbirth.

First of all, venous valves cannot withstand a high load, which normally should ensure blood flow in only one direction - from bottom to top. The valve begins to pass blood in the opposite direction (top-down), and in the area limited by it, the pressure inside the vein increases significantly: the vessel expands, a varicose vein appears. The valves in this area finally cease to fulfill their function, the venous pressure becomes even higher - the vicious circle closes, and the changes begin to spread to neighboring areas.

Sooner or later, chronic venous insufficiency develops - a condition caused by constant stagnation of blood in altered veins.


Symptoms of varicose veins are characterized by gradual progression. Obvious signs are not detected immediately; at the first stage, the disease manifests itself through:

  • swelling of the legs, especially after a long stay in a sitting or standing position, which, as a rule, go away on their own in the morning - the first sign that the deep veins are not doing their job well;
  • cramps and numbness of the legs, especially often this symptom manifests itself at night and in the morning;
  • sensations of heaviness, burning, itching and pain in the legs, especially characteristic of the second half of the day;
  • the first visible signs are the characteristic red-blue vascular networks and asterisks, perfectly visible on the skin.

With the progression of varicose veins, additional symptoms appear

  • thickening and darkening of the skin of the lower leg: in this case, spots and peeling appear on it;
  • veins become painful when probed;
  • severe muscle pain, the intensity of which increases while walking;
  • the appearance of venous nodes protruding above the skin of the legs and feet.

If competent treatment is not prescribed even at this stage, the patient will inevitably face serious complications, which will be discussed a little later.

varicose veins in the legs

How to treat varicose veins?

Women's legs are in a special risk group. According to statistics, more than 70% of all cases of the disease, varicose veins affect women. Illness not only negatively affects health. It significantly spoils the appearance, making the fair sex feel uncomfortable.

At the first signs of varicose veins of the legs (swelling, heaviness in the legs, the appearance of swollen veins and spider veins), treatment should be started immediately. How to treat varicose veins in the legs in women? There are several ways:

  • use venotonic ointments and gels;
  • take pills to increase the tone of the veins;
  • use the advice of traditional medicine;
  • carry out correction of the work of the veins using medical procedures (sclerotherapy, laser coagulation);
  • radically solve the problem surgically (phlebectomy).

Ointments, gels and tablets are quite effective at the initial stage of varicose veins. Traditional medicine can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of treatment, supporting the body, regardless of the main therapy methods. Conservative, minimally invasive methods of treatment (sclerotherapy, laser exposure) are used in cases where varicose veins begin to actively progress. Surgical intervention is an extreme measure when the health and life of a woman are at risk due to a serious pathology of the veins.

Medical treatment

In the complex therapy of varicose veins, special medications are necessarily used. For the most part, these are capsules or tablets that have a versatile effect on the body. In particular:

  1. Phlebotonics. These drugs increase blood flow, preventing the development of thrombosis, and at the same time increase the tone of the vascular walls. It will not work to eliminate varicose veins with such drugs, but they are quite capable of removing swelling of the legs, eliminating burning and pain. In the case of varicose veins, they are usually taken 2 tablets per day, and the duration of treatment is determined solely by the doctor.
  2. Blood-thinning drugs. Such medicines thin the blood and promote its better circulation, preventing the development of thrombosis. These drugs are prescribed only on an individual basis, and the doctor sets the terms of use.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include pills, ointments, and gels that relieve pain, relieve swelling, and prevent platelets from sticking together. But more importantly, such drugs prevent inflammation of the veins, which leads to thrombophlebitis.

Medications are prescribed in cases where milder methods of exposure do not help. However, do not rush to turn to drugs, as they can harm not only the stomach, but also the heart and liver.

Modern drugs for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs

Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins simply work wonders. To prescribe a suitable drug, you need to consult a specialist.

Ointments and creams for varicose veins

They act as a prophylactic and as an auxiliary method of treating the disease in the early stages. They are helping:

  • reduce pain;
  • reduce swelling;
  • improve the activity of the valve system;
  • increase the tone of the vascular walls;
  • restore normal blood flow;
  • prevent the development of complications.

The only contraindication is that the ointment for varicose veins on the legs cannot be used if there is a skin injury.

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Some patients need improved and more radical treatment for varicose veins. Such tactics are most often associated with the removal or blocking of the affected veins.

These are open surgeries and minimally invasive procedures, which include:

  1. Microsclerotherapy- Based on the name, the procedure is aimed at the treatment of small varicose veins. The amount of chemical fluid injected is also small, and the procedure gives the same results as sclerotherapy.
  2. Sclerotherapyis a simple procedure that consists of closing a varicose vein by injecting a chemical fluid into a dilated vessel. Under the influence of the substance, irritation and final blocking (occlusion) of the vein occurs. This type of surgical intervention is most suitable for small and less pronounced varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is most often done every 4 weeks; during this period, the patient's legs should be wrapped in elastic bandages, which reduce the severity of the pathological process.
  3. Laser surgery– This treatment does not include surgery or injection of liquid chemicals. To eliminate varicose veins in the affected areas, a laser beam is used.
  4. Endovascular surgery– as with ablative therapy, during this procedure, the doctor must cut the affected part, then a surgical instrument is used, with which the vein is occluded. This method of treatment is mainly intended to remove severe varicose veins that contribute to the formation of wounds on the skin.
  5. Endovenous ablative therapy- with this method of treating varicose veins, the doctor uses laser radiation or radio waves. Unlike laser surgery, which is powered by light, this procedure generates heat, causing the veins to expand and close, and eventually turn into connective tissue strands. In this, the doctor cuts the skin around the affected veins, and then inserts a catheter, the tip of which supplies the heat necessary for the healing process. Since the procedure is not complicated, the only area that requires post-operative care is the tissue affected for the purpose of trimming.
varicose veins of the legs

Stockings and tights for varicose veins

Women are more prone to varicose veins than men. This is due to the hormonal changes they undergo during their lifetime (pregnancy, menopause). The most comfortable and simple method of treating varicose veins is to wear special tights or stockings that protect the legs from pain, swelling and fatigue.

The effectiveness of compression underwear is due to the fact that it compresses the legs, and this leads to compression of varicose veins. Wearing compression stockings is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. There are product models designed for the treatment of dilated veins in men and pregnant women.


Treatment of varicose veins with water has been known since time immemorial. Under the influence of different temperatures, the veins narrow and expand, which helps to increase their elasticity. Knowing this, modern physicians use hydrotherapy in the early stages of varicose veins, when vascular networks have just begun to appear on the skin.

Moreover, depending on the existing problem, baths can be local (only for the legs), or general (for the whole body). The temperature of the water in such a bath varies from 20 to 40°C.

Active lifestyle

Avoid staying in one place for a long time, whether you are sitting or standing! Staying in one place for a long time (sitting on a chair or standing on your feet) leads to the accumulation of blood in the legs.

If there is a pause at work, try to use it for walking. The fact is that while walking, the muscles of the legs more effectively direct blood to the heart. Whether you're sitting or standing a lot at work, try to take a break every hour for simple exercise. Rise on your heels, then on your toes for 10 minutes. These exercises help direct the blood upward and reduce swelling.

Exercise at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes at a time. This will help you stay in shape and even squirm with some extra weight. Walking is a particularly valuable exercise for the legs, because with each step, the muscles of the legs act on the veins and thus the blood rises.

Keep your legs as high as possible while resting

While resting, try to keep your legs as high as possible relative to the level of your heart.

The cause of varicose veins is the tendency of blood to accumulate at the level of the legs. During their rise, the blood returns to the heart more easily and reduces the load on the venous vessels.

It is ideal to do this during a break at work or at home between tasks.

Foot massage

A light foot massage stimulates blood circulation. To do this, the muscles of the legs are massaged with two fingers (but not the veins! ) Making movements from the heels to the hips.

Don't keep your legs crossed

When sitting on a chair, it is strictly forbidden to keep your legs crossed. Holding one foot on the other creates additional unwanted pressure on the leg and limits the rise of blood through the veins.

Folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins

Especially effective is the treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies at home in the summer. Popular recipes are:

  1. Horse chestnut flowers.Pour 50 g of flowers with 0. 5 liters of alcohol and let it brew for 14 days, shaking the bottle every day. Pass the resulting tincture through the mesh and use 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals with water. After a week of treatment, take a break for 2 weeks. Then repeat again.
  2. Kalanchoe pinnate.Wash the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate and put them in a liter jar (leaves should be half the jar). Fill with 70% alcohol and insist in a dark place for 14 days. Shake the jar before applying. Lubricate your legs and feet every day before going to bed. The pain will go away after the first application. If varicose veins are running, then 4 months are needed for treatment.
  3. Potato.Peel 5 potatoes and grate. Grate the resulting puree and spread on your feet. After 4 hours, the pain will completely disappear, and then rinse the potatoes with warm water.
  4. Apples.Throw 3 apples into boiling 1 liter of water, cover and put in a warm place for 4 hours. Next, without removing the apples, break them, mix the solution and strain. Take by adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, half a glass (50 g) in the morning before meals, and in the evening before bedtime. The tool also cleanses the blood, improves sleep and appetite.
  5. Garlic with butter.Take garlic with white husk and grind it. Mix it with two parts of butter. Apply to protruding veins at night, put parchment paper on top and secure with a bandage or a warm scarf. Rinse off in the morning and put something warm and soft on your feet.

Treatment of varicose veins at home is not always possible. In order for the therapy to be successful, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly follow his instructions.

Otherwise, such negative consequences of treatment as:

  • ineffectiveness of therapy and deterioration of the condition of the veins;
  • allergic reactions and intolerance to the means used;
  • skin burns due to improper application of compresses with burning substances;
  • ruptures of vessels and thromboembolism, if the treatment is carried out against the background of existing contraindications.

Among the contraindications for the treatment of varicose veins include the 3rd and 4th degree of pathology. In this case, the disease can only be eliminated by surgery. Also, traditional medicine is not applicable at a high risk of thromboembolism, exacerbation of vascular insufficiency, severe disease with cramps of the calf muscles, deposition of a large amount of blood in the affected vessels, and a high volume of the affected area.

How to use apple cider vinegar for varicose veins?

A few simple tips and reviews on how to treat varicose veins on the legs at home with vinegar:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in vinegar, wipe your feet in problem areas. Repeat the procedure as often as possible, 5-7 times a day.
  2. Take warm water into the bath, pour a liter of vinegar into it. Dip your feet in the water, after half an hour, finish the water procedures. Doctors do not recommend wiping your feet dry with a towel. It is better to lie on the bed, raise the legs above the head (for example, lean against the wall) and let them dry naturally.
  3. Fold gauze in several layers, moisten abundantly in vinegar. Put on your feet in problem areas, wrap with cling film (or a plastic bag), wrap with a warm scarf. Remove the compress after an hour.
  4. You can also take apple cider vinegar orally. Mix a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of warm water, drink on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. It is important to remember that this recipe cannot be used in medical therapy in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Apple cider vinegar contains a large amount of vitamins, macro and microelements, minerals. They have a beneficial effect on the body, helping to effectively cope with varicose veins. Apple cider vinegar is not capable of harming a person, and with its regular use, a positive effect will be noticeable after a month.


  • Woman, 33 years old. "I treated varicose veins with apple cider vinegar and massage: I did daily half-hour wraps followed by 5 minutes of massaging the swollen veins for two months. First, the morning pains in the legs disappeared, after three weeks the varicose veins disappeared, and now even the deep veins are gone. I am very glad, that we managed to avoid surgical intervention, and now I advise all my friends to treat varicose veins with apple cider vinegar.
  • Girl, 21 years old. "After prolonged pain in my legs, I had to turn to a phlebologist. He suggested that I remove varicose veins with laser surgery, and I overcame my fear and agreed. The removal of my varicose veins with a laser lasted 40 minutes under local anesthesia, and after the operation, swelling and bruising lasted another week. I am satisfied with the result of the treatment, I no longer have pain. "
  • Man, 40 years old. "A phlebologist recommended me to treat varicose veins with leeches. I am not afraid of these creatures, so I easily agreed. Leech saliva contains useful hirudin, which cleanses and thins the blood, slowing down its clotting. The course of treatment was 8 sessions at three-day intervals. After a 3-month break, I will passrepeated course, because after 2 sessions I noticed that the swelling of the legs subsided, it became easier to walk.

What will happen if not treated?

There is an aphorism about varicose veins created by doctors - "A disease that manifests itself on the legs and shoots in the heart. "Indeed, this disease is not just an aesthetic problem that causes trouble and reduces the quality of life. In the absence of qualified medical assistance, varicose veins are fraught with serious complications, even death.

So, the consequences of varicose veins on the legs can be:

  • thrombophlebitis - the disease is accompanied by the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the affected veins;
  • bleeding;
  • malnutrition of tissues;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • increased thrombus formation is a complication dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a common "companion" of varicose veins on the legs as a trophic ulcer. The cause of its appearance is constant venous insufficiency and increased pressure in the veins.

advanced varicose veins


There is no question here whether varicose veins can be cured. We will talk about what to do so that it does not have to be treated.

  1. Hide all uncomfortable shoes, as well as stilettos, in a drawer. It is permissible to wear it only occasionally - for special occasions.
  2. Don't forget to take 5-minute breaks when working at the computer for a long time. Special exercises can be done even while in the office. If possible, try to walk to work.
  3. If you are prone to constipation, do not leave this problem unattended. Due to the constant heaviness in the pelvis, blood circulation begins to suffer. Cooperate with friends of interest, and regularly arrange cycling, go to the pool, do exercises in the fresh air.
  4. Control your body weight. If necessary, review the diet. It should not contain a lot of fatty or fried foods.
  5. Having settled down on the sofa after a hard day, put a roller under your feet, about 15 cm high. Thus, the blood flow in the vessels of the legs will return to normal.
  6. If your profession involves a long stay on your feet and physical activity - take breaks to rest. If you are used to putting one foot on the other, try to control yourself. This habit can easily provoke inflammation.
  7. Wear only comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. Do not buy overly tight jeans or tight stockings. This rule applies in particular to women. Uncomfortable skinny jeans have a negative impact not only on the health of the legs, but also on the work of the genitourinary system.

Compression underwear is used not only for the treatment of varicose veins, but also for its prevention. So, for example, if a person in the family suffers from this disease, then during pregnancy, during flights and long trips by bus or train, in the process of training, it is better for him to use compression stockings or wrap his legs with an elastic bandage.

When to see a doctor?

Contacting a doctor for varicose veins should occur as soon as possible. The more advanced the disease is by this time, the less likely the patient will be completely cured. Ideally, if a person visits the clinic at the time of detection of the first signs: heaviness in the legs, flying pains when standing still for a long time, swelling.